I had a Trade Day with my client and it was fast, fun and organized.
We met with four different Trades: A Sound & Security Company, a Painter, a Flooring Specialist and a Window Covering Consultant.
Running through four trades over a full day isnt unusual although we did it in 2.5 hours. That is spectacularly successful in my opinion and it came down to my clients ability to be advised, make a decision and feel good about it.
Having the client present during the Trade day streamlines the options she will have to make when reviewing the quotes and coming to terms with the scope of the project. AKA bottom line cost.
For example, we had two carpet samples in the space and were able to determine which one we wanted a quote for.
I had previously visited the flooring company and narrowed down the selections to two samples. Which made it nicer for the flooring guy to lug into the space.
Having a colour scheme helped narrow down choices with the Window Covering Consultant.
I had previously met with the client and created a palette. Which made it nicer for the Window Consultant lugging in only a few sample books.
Going through the process of a consultation (or Design Workshop as I am starting the name it) is very helpful towards the long term outcome.
Whether you need guidance at the beginning or througout the whole project, working with an Interior Designer will significantly smooth out the process.
I work with clients all over Metro Vancouver. I can help with a one room project or a major renovation. Reach out to me and let's start working on your space.
