If you are considering painting your exterior house bring me in for a Colour Consultation. Have a look at this colour scheme for a recent project. Beautiful colours!

I am calling it the New Traditional because it has Red which is a traditional colour but rather than black or grey I opted for this brownish olive colour as the other main colour.
I can see this working with many house designs particularly for a new construction craftsman style.
Follow these step when painting your exterior:
First is to hire me as your decorator! I will guide you to a beautiful colour scheme.
Second is to hire a pressure washer and clean from the roof down.
Third step is to hire a good painter that knows paint and colour well.
When we were building my current residence and the exterior painting was about to commence, we were fortunate to have an experienced painter that understood what the environment can do to colour.
Exterior paint colour can be affected by the bleaching sun or mildew. We were guided to the right colour and it has lasted a strong 8 years.
You may remember we’ve been here 9 years… we pressure wash often, sometimes with bleach because we have a lot of trees that release pollen. We need to paint. But next year.
There is only a few good months left to paint the exterior of your house before the rainy winter moves in. CONTACT me today and we can add some colour to your life.